BIO 253 Study Guide - Final Guide: Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever, Septicemic Plague, Pneumonic Plague

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21 Jan 2017

Document Summary

Endocardium- lines the chambers and valves of the heart and can be targeted for microbial infection. Infective endocarditis affects the endocardium and heart valves, it begins with inflammation of the heart"s endocardium and it can be acute or subacute. S. aureus ------> s. pyogenes-------> s. pneumoniae are the most common organisms for infective endocarditis: pericardium- the fibrous covering of the heart. 22,23,24 are part of the cardiovascular system which is composed of the pulmonary and systemic circulation: lymph nodes-one of many small, bean-shaped organs located throughout the lymphatic system. The lymph nodes are important in the function of the immune response and also store special cells that can trap cancer cells or bacteria that are traveling through the body through the lymph. The system that absorbs, transports, and filters lymph and initiates an immune response: yersinia pestis- is a facultative gram negative rod known for its safety pin appearance under the microscope.