[CHE 1405] - Midterm Exam Guide - Everything you need to know! (28 pages long)

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6 Feb 2017

Document Summary

Science is the primary means by which we obtain new knowledge. Chemistry is the area of science that deals with the behavior of matter. Technology is the application of knowledge for practical purposes. Theories are rational explanations of the behavior of matter. Alchemy is a primitive form of chemistry (500-1500 ce) The end of the middle ages started the growth of real chemistry and experimentation. Chemicals themselves are neither good nor bad. 1. 2 science: reproducible, testable, tentative, predictive, & explanatory. !accurate measurements and data: scientific work is not fully accepted until it has gone through ! !peer review: science is not a straightforward process. Hypotheses, educated guesses, must be testable: do experimentations to test hypotheses and can be verified or rejected. Large amounts of scientific data are often summarized in brief statements called scientific laws, whether verbal or mathematical. Theory is the best current explanation but is always tentative and predictive: may change or be discarded due to new evidence.