REL 1350 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Satisfaction Theory Of Atonement, Ransom Theory Of Atonement, Interdict

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5 Mar 2018

Document Summary

Dates to know!!! (matching portion on test: 313- edict of milan, constantine and licinius, no more persecution based on religion, licinius kinda goes against it and constantine must fight him (324- founding of. Pelagianism vs augustine: p: humans have free will and can choose to do good or evil, a: human have no free will because of original sin, pelagius is ultimately condemned as a heretic. Cappodocian fathers: talk about the trinity as homoousien. Pepin: asks pope to appoint him as king rather than being in charge of the church. Interdict: cuts off nations and groups from the sacraments, more power for church and less for political rules. Wedges driven between the east and the west: many councils were problems, theological, east islam starting to advance, political, french helped the west rise in prominence while east was suffering, monophysites and the nestorians, theological disunity.