REL 1350 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Peter Abelard, Babylonian Captivity, New Martyr

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3 May 2016

Document Summary

Monasticism is related to crumbling of empire in west. Devil was seen as the persecution behind the roman empire: martyr as christ"s soldier. Devil roman empire: devil behind roman empire, & roman empire persecuting you, the way to fight the devil is to withstand the persecution. Willing to die & suffer for christ. Not about making a scene, about being faithful: as soon as roman becomes christians. This all goes away and now there is a shift & devil (evil) has just gone to other places (underground: monk as the new martyr. To fight devil, go out to desert. Not just to pick a fight w/ devil, but many christians felt like the new christians in. Roman empire were different: saw empire going downward & wanted to escape. Monks = people who go to desert = new martyr. Hermitic: solitary, sought isolation, go to wilderness yourself, ex) st. anthony (athonasius writes story about him)