[BIOL 1010] - Final Exam Guide - Ultimate 56 pages long Study Guide!

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Discuss the functions of growth hormone and compare those to the effects of thyroxines (t3 and t4). This results in sparing blood glucose and thus gh can increase blood glucose. Growth hormone stimulates growth of long bones, strength of muscle, growth of any type of tissue but bone and muscle are the most visible. How does it affect target tissues? o it stimulates the uptake of amino acids and proteins: protein synthesis = anabolic process. Chondroitin sulfate is found in connective tissue. Instead of muscle using glucose to produce, the growth hormone encourages to use fats to produce energy. Mobilization of fats (bringing fatty acids out of adipose tissues into the blood stream and making it available to tissues like skeletal muscle. Acts in a direct way in maintaining blood glucose; at night time the amount of growth hormone increases. Discuss the thyroxines with regards to their physiological effects. Iodide is actively transported in and oxidized to iodine.