BIOL 1010 Study Guide - Final Guide: Luteal Phase, Condom, Sexual Intercourse

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What are the gonads? secrete a variety of steroid hormones commonly called sex hormones. Primary sex organs; testes in males and ovaries in females; they produce sex cells and. Gnrh binds to pituitary cells to secrete fsh and lh into the blood. Abp: keeps the concentration of testosterone in the vicinity of the spermatogenic cells. Lh: binds to the interstitial endocrine cells in the connective tissue surrounding the. Testosterone: stimulates maturation of sex organs, development and maintenance of. Fsh: stimulates spermatogenesis indirectly by stimulating sustentacular cells to release. Gnrh: indirectly stimulates the testes via its effect on fsh and lh release. Hypothalamus releases gonadotropin-releasing hormone which reaches the anterior pituitary cells via blood of the hypophyseal portal system; controls release of fsh and lh. Gonadotropins (fsh and lh): directly stimulate testes androgen-binding protein (abp) high, which stimulates spermatogenesis seminiferous tubules, producing them to secrete testosterone and a small bit of estrogen; final trigger for spermatogenesis.