PHIL1090 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Epicurus, Environmental Good, Eye For An Eye

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Septuagint: translation of the hebrew canon into greek, translated in order to aid worship: many different versions since then. Jerome: writes preface to the bible that gets lost: says what is really important in the bible, people did not copy jerome"s preface because they did not care about the distinction. Canon: standard/measure: other writings measured in reference to the canon. Edict of milan: permits christianity throughout rome. Four different periods of composition: yahwist (j) 950 bce, elohim (e) 750 bce, deuteronomist (d) 650 bce, priestly (p) 550 bce. Genesis: first creation: priestly, second creation: yahwist, story of the fall: yahwist, cain and abel: yahwist. Yahwist: anthropomorphic view of god, genesis 1-11, second creation story, fall and expulsion from garden of eden, cain and abel, god"s grief with humanity, flood story, noah gets drunk and curses canaan. Priestly author altering text: tower of babylon.