POLI 2403- Midterm Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam ( 79 pages long!)

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Document Summary

Came from dick hill, sj (taught at berkeley, deceased) Canon lawyer, pastorally oriented middle of the road. Most similar to current canon lawyer, ladislas orsy, who is one of the greatest in. Bretzke"s opinion able to give an integrated canon law & pastoral response. Canon law should be for the health of souls. What jesus was saying to pharisees in matthew: how the law mediated god"s grace, righteousness; god"s righteousness is different than human concepts of justice / righteousness. Situation that should raise flags that you may not be able to puzzle out right now. Consult phone -> expert in canon law could take 20 min to a few days. Your case has some canonical issues i have to get some input on. - can you come back in a few days? . This is a really complicated case, can we pray on it for a day or two? . Feel free to go to communion during mass.