PSYC1110 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Monoamine Neurotransmitter, Nootropic, Neuroplasticity

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Exam 1 study guide: describe how an action potential is triggered and maintained in a neuron. Be sure to mention the chemical and electrical signals and regulators involved. Action potential is the electrical signal that passes along the axon and then causes the release of chemicals from the terminal buttons. It is triggered by external stimuli or from another neuron from its dendrites. By affecting polarization, these chemicals signals tell the neuron whether to fire. The signals arrive at the dendrites by the thousands and are of two types: excitatory and inhibitory. Excitatory signals depolarize the cell membrane which increases the likelihood that the neuron will fire. Inhibitory signals hyperpolarize the cell which decreases the likelihood that the neuron will fire. If the total amount of excitatory signals is greater than the total amount of inhibitory signals and surpasses the firing threshold then an action potential is gathered.