ANTHRO 3AC Study Guide - Final Guide: Cybernetics, Feedback, Sick Role

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o Modernity for Weber
o is not just bureaucratic but rather has to do with how rationality
goes through everyday of life
o This involved rationalization of processes such that everything in life
has answer
o The reduced reliance of religious answers results in the
disenchantment of everyday life
W.W. Rostow and the 5 stages of Economic Growth
o Stage 1: The Traditional Society
This stage is characterized by a subsistent, agricultural based
economy, with intensive labor and low levels of trading.
There is no centralized nations or political systems.
The population relies upon hunting and gathering, having a
limited scientific perspective on the world and technology.
o Stage 2: The Preconditions for Take-off
Here, a society begins to develop manufacturing, and a more
national/international, as opposed to regional, outlook.
There is individual social mobility
There is an increase in technology, and a development within
national identity and shared economic interests.
o Stage 3: The Take Off
Rostow describes this stage as a short period of intensive
growth, in which industrialization begins to occur, and workers
and institutions become concentrated around a new industry.
Urbanization begins to increase along with industrialization.
o Stage 4: The Drive to Maturity
This stage takes place over a long period of time, as standards
of living rise, use of technology increases, and the national
economy grows and diversifies.
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