ANTHRO 3AC Study Guide - Final Guide: Charismatic Authority, Traditional Authority, Ideal Type

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o “An ideal type is an analytical construct that serves the investigator
as a measuring rod to ascertain similarities as well as deviations in
concrete cases.”
o Benjamin Franklin as close to an ideal type in reality
Rationalization (Weber)
o Rationalization refers to replacing traditions, values and emotions as
a mode of motivation with reason, rationality, efficiency and
o Peoples actions are oriented more towards a goal and you try to find
the means to most effectively achieve such goal.
o Types of rational action:
Means end/ Practical- considering effects of actions in in a
systematic way to get predictable outcome
Affectual/ Theoretical- determined by a person's feelings at the
time. Take your values and create change. (modern)
Value-rational/ Substantive- focus on individual cohering to set
of values important to oneself
Traditional/Formal- focus on conventional, habituated ways of
acting in relation to a given outcome, structural (more modern)
Substantive Rationality and Formal Rationality
o Substantive Rationality:
Substantive Rationality refers to goal oriented rational action
within the context of ultimate ends or values.
It is holistic thinking focused upon problem solving within a
system of values as opposed to the specialized, technical
thinking that dominates the age.
This rationality comes from within, that is, it comes from the
substance of the tradition itself
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