ANTHRO 3AC Study Guide - Final Guide: Scientific Socialism, Dialectical Materialism, For Marx

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Marx believed that ending class conflict, and having the lower
class overthrow the upper class would be the end of history,
Thus, for Marx, the end of history is communism (or scientific
This is where human societies are heading towards, starting
from a primitive socialist system to the feudal system to
capitalism then finally to communism (or scientific socialism).
This is because he sees the dialectic as working from “outside-
in,” (material/external forces) starting with the understanding
that people must eat (i.e. starting with the material needs of
o Weber:
Weber is of the opinion that there is no end of history.
Rather, there is just a continuation of things that happen
Therefore, history is neither dialectal nor teleological
He was critical of monumental history.
Expert truths could limit and control one no less than lies.
There is no mode of action that is free from consideration of
power and authority
7. Turning Hegel Upside Down
o Marx believed that Hegel got the dialectic backwards.
o According to Marx, we should not deal with ideas as they encounter
the real world, but with the real material world itself.
o This is what he means by turning Hegel upside down.
o Marx’s ideas gained influence and led to the Bolshevik Revolution
and the creation of the Soviet Union.
o Dialectical Materialism emerged that redefined the dialectic not as
Thesis/Antithesis/Synthesis but as Class Struggle and Revolution:
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