ANTHRO 3AC Study Guide - Final Guide: The Surplus, Making Money, Ideal Type

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the way production is organized n a society, the method of
producing the necessities of life.
o Relations of Production
all of the social relationships people are forced to enter to make
a living
i.e. to produce what they need to live and to reproduce for
E.g. Relationship between the workers/proletariat and the
bourgeoisie (who own the products)
o Forces of Production
Forces are those things needed to create things: labor power
(the ability of humans to do labour) and means (the tools by
which humans do the labour)
This breaks down to labor, tools and raw material
Human Labor in the Abstract
o Abstracted means undifferentiated, abstracted from useful forms
o Human labor in the abstract considers how much a commodity is
o This is determined by the average amount of time/labor it takes to
produce an item (for all the producers in the society) rather than
how much time/labour an individual producer used to make it.
o The Labor of all individuals placed into consideration of the price
o Labor is therefore translated into numbers.
o According to Marx, this system only works if people are connected
through networks exchange
o The opposite of the abstract is the concrete
o Human labor in concrete is actual physical labor that goes into
o Marx attributes value to human labour in the abstract
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