CHEM 104A Midterm: chem104A-fa2017-mt1-Tilley-soln

49 views13 pages
8 Jan 2019

Document Summary

Note: this is a closed book, closed note exam with no calculators! Looking at other materials or other students" work during the exam period will result in immediate confiscation of your exam, and further disciplinary action. Ra: the following graphs represent different mathematical functions corresponding to the same atomic orbital. Indicate which one represents the radial wave function and which one represents the radial distribution function. Then, given that n = 3, determine which orbital these graphs correspond to, and draw a contour map corresponding to that orbital (use appropriate shading, and label axes). (8 pts) The orbital is 3p (1 node): 1 pt. Axes: 1 pt: consider the incomplete microstate table for a d2 configuration below. The format of the ms, so, for example, a spin - electron in an s orbital would be written as table entries is ml. X: two cells on the table have been left blank.