CHEM 3A Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Cyclopropane, Newman Projection, Cyclopentane

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8 Jan 2019

Document Summary

Gsi (if you are taking chem 3al): ______________________ If you are, please indicate the semester during which you took previous chem 3a and the instructor: Please write the answer you wish to be graded in the boxed spaces provided. Do scratch work on the back of the pages. Check to make sure that you have received a complete exam. A good piece of advice: read carefully over the questions (at least twice); make sure that you understand exactly what is being asked; avoid sloppy structures or phrases. It is better to be pedantic in accuracy now than sorry later! Name or draw, as appropriate, the following molecules according to the. Indicate stereochemistry where necessary (cis, trans, r, s, or dashed/wedged lines). Remember to assign charges, if any, to atoms! Write the best lewis structure for each of the following molecules. Place an x mark into the box next to your answer. 000390: the following structure has three octet resonance forms.