EPS 80 Study Guide - Comprehensive Midterm Guide: Kola Superdeep Borehole, Divergent Boundary, Mantle Convection

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Indirect study- seismic waves (velocity changes indicate differences in state and composition) From center of the earth, part of the layers are molten liquid allowing it to absorb the seismic reactions. Inner core (1300km)- solid iron and nickel. Outer core (2000km)- iron and nickel, etc liquid metal. Made of minerals rich in iron and magnesium with silicates. Crust- outer most layer of the earth. Continental (20-90km)- calcium, potassium, aluminum rich silicates. Oceanic (7-10km)- iron, magnesium, sodium, rich silicates. Some compositions include- metallic (iron, nickel), stony chondrites ( oxygen, iron, magnesium, and silicon), silicate materials ( aluminum, sodium, potassium), Heat engine- thermal energy causes circulation or convection in the outer core and mantle. Hotspot is the expression of a thermal plume in or on the earth"s crust. Plates changed direction as a result of the hotspots being shifted to create the hawaii islands. Drill a well (kola superdeep borehole biberia--20 km) Slab rollback (more common)- plate boundary moves right.