ETH STD 21AC Study Guide - Midterm Guide: White Supremacy, Civil Death, Convict Lease

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Why might we say that whiteness has been subsidized: loans, housing, property, we have created a moral geography through fabrication of cities and countryside. What is social death: decimation of a racial majority, encompasses and is more serious than civil death: not part of the community, not a citizen, slavery, jim crow, convict lease system. How does smith describe white supremacy: 3 pillars of white supremacy: capitalism & slavery, genocide and colonialism, orientalism & war. How might we respond to coates" argument for reparation: we as a nation need to acknowledge our history, talks about property: black bodies are property, housing are property linked to capitalism. Dubois call reconstruction a splendid failure : freeing of blacks did not mean the onset of democracy. How does the 13th amendment create wiggle room for the creation of neo- slavery: 13th amendment allowed exemption of crime for punishment, black incarceration shot up after this: pic became the instrument of neo-slavery.