GEOG 10 Study Guide - Final Guide: Ecological Debt, Revised Philadelphia Plan, Redlining

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14 Apr 2016

Document Summary

For activists: this space is an important symbol for political power: a heaven for persons evicted by the dominant society; for people to go and just be; homeless (indicator species); free speech: need for space for democracy; Uc concerns: criminal activities; drug; threatening image for neighborhood; declined business; rioting; violence; unsafe and unclean; Opposite to space (local and contained); space: large. Interdependent: places made through the network of spaces; spaces exist as they consist of places; (e. g. wall street; congo: king leopold, belgium) Public space is taken and remade by political actions; street people; homeless; Week 2: states and territory: spaces of sovereignty: nature and space by scott james. Nation with sentimental attachment: notion of community ; we (patriotism; pledge); We can have nation without state; but no state without nation; State/sovereignty: effective way to enforce power over territory; e. g. west philia; wendy brown: nation state & sovereignty: