HISTART 187AC Midterm: Midterm Study Guide

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The midterm will occur in class on monday, october 10 and wednesday, october 12. Please bring a blue book or two for each day. You will be asked to answer one short essay question (10 min) and one longer essay (30 min) for each day of the midterm. There will be no choice so plan your answers to all of these questions. You should prepare to discuss substantially different artworks and texts in your answers to each question. You must choose different scholarly (secondary) texts for each short essay. You must also use different texts and artworks for each long essay. You may use one primary text for each long essay. Dates can be within 5 years of the correct date. Short essay answers focus on one scholarly text of your. Short essay questions: 1) choose one critical term for relating cultures and/or races that we have discussed in class (examples of terms include, but are not limited to: primitivism,