MUSIC 27 Study Guide - Final Guide: Papal Household, Ninety-Five Theses, John Calvin

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9 Oct 2017

Document Summary

King edward iii and the hundred years war outbreak of anthrax in 1330s outbreak of bubonic plague in 1348. Avignon vs. rome mother was daughter of king of france. Edward believed he had the right to the french throne death rate between one-half and two-thirds of population during ars nova and the 14th century, the only people who could afford art were the super rich. Guillaume de machaut isorhythm - rhythm and pitch on separate repeating patterns. Machaut"s chansons were meant for the rich and sophisticated. Dame, de qui toute ma joie vient secular monody monody = monophonic melody a small fraction of the secular music of the middle ages survived sometimes only the text, sometimes only the music. Latin poets - clergy, mostly monks many monks were well-traveled traveling monks would sing for their supper wrote poems/songs in different styles depending on where they were. Carmina burana - collection of latin songs and poems.