PHYSICS 7A Study Guide - Final Guide: Symbolic Integration, Berkeley, California, Compressible Flow

23 views2 pages
8 Jan 2019

Document Summary

Rules: this final exam is closed book and closed notes. You are allowed three sides of two sheets of 8. 5 x 11 of paper on which you may write whatever you wish. You are also allowed to use scientific calculators in general, but not ones which can communicate with other calculators through any means , or ones that can do symbolic integration. Anyone who does use a wireless-capable device will automatically receive a zero for this final. Cell phones must be turned off during the exam, and placed in your backpacks. Please make sure that you do the following during the final: Write your name, discussion number, id number on all documents you hand in. Make sure that the grader knows what s/he should grade by circling your final answer. Cross out any parts of the your solutions that you do not want the grader to grade.