PHYSICS 7A Final: physics7A-sp2012-final-Lee-exam

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8 Jan 2019

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Physics 7a, spring 2012, section 3 instructor: professor adrian lee. Show your reasoning carefully so that we can be sure that you derived the answer rather than guessing it or relying on memory; in addition, this enables us to give partial credit. You may use three double-sided 3. 5 x 5 index cards of notes. A car moves at a constant speed on a straight but hilly road. The car crosses over a hill and then a dip both of radius r: as the car passes over the crest of the hill the normal force on the car is half the weight of the car. Draw a free-body diagram for the car at the peak of the hill and bottom of dip. Three planets of identical mass m form the vertices of an equilateral triangle of side. L and rotate in circular orbits around the center of the triangle, held in place by their mutual gravitation.