PHYSICS 7A Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Friction, Fire Hydrant, Angular Acceleration

19 views3 pages
8 Jan 2019

Document Summary

This exam is closed book, but you are allowed one 8. 5" x 11" (double-sided) page of handwritten notes. You may use a calculator, however no wireless calculators are allowed. Anyone using a wireless calculator will forfeit their exam and automatically receive the score of zero. Don"t forget: a) remember to circle all of your final answers: express all numerical results to 3 significant figures. Cross out any work you decide is incorrect, with an explanation in the margin. Work to maximize your credit -- try to obtain at least partial credit on every part of every problem. For partial credits show all relevant drawings and explain clearly your reasoning. And if you have questions about the interpretation of a problem, please ask! A point-like mass m is pushed against a spring with spring constant k and held in place with a catch (see figure).