PHYSICS 7A Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Free Body Diagram, Glossary Of Video Game Terms

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8 Jan 2019

Document Summary

Please do all your work in this exam, in the blank spaces provided. If you have your solutions on scratch paper, staple it to the last page. If you become stuck on one, go on. You must attempt all four problems. to another and return to the rst one later. Be sure to show all your reason- ing, since partial credit will be allotted. No credit will be given for unjusti ed answers. The velocity of a particle as a function of time t is. A ball is launched at point o, which lies a distance d from a vertical wall. The initial speed of the ball is v0, and the initial launch angle is 0, as shown. Embedded in the vertical wall is a small pipe, located a height h above the ground. In order for the ball to enter the pipe, its velocity must be in the horizontal direction.