POLECON 100 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Karl Polanyi, Alexis De Tocqueville, Classical Liberalism

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The term nation refers to a modern concept of community based on an experience of shared culture (language, history). By contrast, the term state refers to the institutions and practices of the government - the apparatus itself. Where benedict anderson talks about the nation, hegel, and marx and also the classical liberal thinkers theorize the state. Compare and contrast the views of anderson, friedrich list, and polanyi on the significance of attending - or not attending - to the nation as we conceive of how market and state are and should be related. All three authors write in response to the addition of nation to state. Anderson both lay out descriptions of how the new form of a modern nation form is influencing the relationship between the state and the market. For list, however, he makes relatively more normative statements about the role of the nation in the interaction between the state and the market.