POLECON 100 Study Guide - Final Guide: Antithesis, Classical Liberalism, Mercantilism

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Seen as a challenge to classical liberalism. Germany had its own forms of mercantile activity. Hegel"s view of philosophy is not just about abstract ideas, but absolute, universality, reason, and actual events. He emphasizes the importance of practical historical content in order to discuss philosophical claims. Life and philosophy is manifested in the world: philosophy is a dynamic process reflected in historical events. History is the story of the progression of rationality: this unfolding of rationality allows humans to feel at home in the world. The objective spirit is a physical manifestation of the rationality towards greater freedom. We are at home when we recognize the extent that we are a vehicle of our objective spirit. Master-slave dialectic: thesis: recognition/the symmetry of equality. Recognition of the identical nature of the self consciousness. This stage is torturous because you are the same as the other person you are confronting.