PSYCH 130 Study Guide - Final Guide: Levacetylmethadol, Contingency Management, Desipramine

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1. Treatment for smoking
a. Laws that prohibit smoking in almost all public places
b. If people i oe’s soial etok uit sokig, the odds that a peso ill uit
smoking are much greater
c. Psychological treatment
i. Most widespread psychological treatment consists of a physican telling
the person to stop smoking (modest effective)
ii. Scheduled smoking:
1. Reduce nicotine intake gradually over a period of time
d. Nicotine replacement treatments and medications
i. Gum, patches, inhalers, or e-cigarettes
ii. Patches: one per day and not remove until next patch
1. Not effective with adolescents
iii. The long term goal is for the former smoker to be able to cut back on the
use of the gum as well
iv. The gum causes cardiovascular disease
v. NRT plus medication/psychological treatment appears to be more
vi. E-cig less effective than NRT
2. Treatment of Drug Use disorder
a. Psychological treatment:
i. Desipramine is better for people with a low degree of dependence on
cocaine and CBT is better for people with a high degree
ii. In CBT, they learned how to avoid high-risk situations, recognize the lure
of the drug for them and develop alternatives to using cocaine.
iii. Vouchers work in the short term but CBT appears to be an effective in
long term
iv. Contingency management: greater likelihood of abstinence and better
quality of life
v. Motivational enhancement therapy: a combination of CBT techniques
and techniques associated with helping clients generate solutions that
work for themselves. + CBT + contingency management was an effective
treatment package for young people
vi. Self-help residential homes
1. Separation of people from previous social contacts, on the
assumption that these relationships have been instrumental in
maintaining the drug use disorder
2. A comprehensive environment in which drugs are not available
and continuing support is offered to ease the transition from
regular drug use to a drug-free disorder
3. The presence of charismatic role models, people formerly
depedet o dugs ho appea to e eetig life’s halleges
without drugs
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