PSYCH 130 Study Guide - Final Guide: Posttraumatic Stress Disorder, Cluster B Personality Disorders, Personality Disorder

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1. Etiology of the Dramatic/Erratic cluster B
a. Antisocial: disregard for and violation of the rights of others
i. Symptoms:
1. Age at least 18
2. Evidence of conduct disorder before age 15
3. Pervasive pattern of disregard for the rights of others since the
age of 15 as shown by at least three of the following:
a. Repeated law breaking
b. Deceitfulness, lying
c. Impulsivity
d. Irritability and aggressiveness
e. Reckless disregard for own safety and that of others
f. Irresponsibility as seen in unrealizable employment or
financial history
g. Lack of remorse
ii. Men = 5* women
iii. 2/3 of people with APD meet the diagnostic for another disorder, with
substance abuse very common
iv. Psychopathy 精神病: poverty of emotions, both positive and negative:
psychopathic people have no sense of shame, and their seemingly
positive feelings for others are merely an act.
v. The difference between psychopathy and APD is that APD has more
affective symptoms, such as shallow affect and lack of empathy and
develop before age 15
vi. Etiology:
1. Interactions of genes and the social environment:
a. Parenting qualities of negativity, inconsistency, and low
warmth predict antisocial behavior
b. Poverty, exposure to violence, predict antisocial behavior
c. Polymorphism of the MAO-A gene has been found to
predict psychopathy among males who had experienced
childhood physical or sexual abuse or maternal rejection
2. Psychological Risk: isesitivity to threat ad to others’ eotios
a. Unable to learn from experience and repeat misconduct
that has been harshly punished, even if it resulted in jail
b. Insensitive to threats so they do not learn avoid trouble
c. Lack of empathy
b. Borderline: Instability of interpersonal relationships, self-image, and affect, as
well as marked impulsivity (hard to treat and associated with recurrent periods
of suicidality)
i. Symptoms
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