PSYCH 130 Study Guide - Final Guide: Avoidant Personality Disorder, Dialectical Behavior Therapy, Schizotypal Personality Disorder

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1. Cluster C (Anxious/fearful)
a. Avoidant personality disorder: social inhibition, feelings of inadequacy, and
hypersensitivity to negative evaluation
i. A pervasive pattern of social inhibition, feelings of inadequacy, and
hypersensitivity to criticism as shown by four or more of the following
from early adulthood across may contexts:
1. Avoidance of occupational activities that involve significant
interpersonal contact, because of fears of criticism or disapproval
2. Unwilling to get involved with people unless certain of being liked
3. Restrained in intimate relationships because of the fear of being
shamed or ridiculed
4. Preoccupation with being criticized or rejected
5. Inhibited in new interpersonal situations because of feelings of
6. Views self as socially inept, unappealing or inferior
7. Unusually reluctant to try new activities because they may prove
ii. Co-occurs with social anxiety disorder, major depression
b. Dependent: excessive need to take care of, submissive behavior, and fears of
i. Symptoms: (at least 5 from early adulthood across)
1. Difficulty making decisions without excessive advice and
reassurance from others
2. Need for others to take responsibility for most major areas of life
3. Difficulty disagreeing with others for fear of losing their support
4. Difficult doing things on own or starting projects because lack of
5. Doing unpleasant things as a way to obtain the approval and
support of others
6. Feelings of helplessness when alone because of fears of being
unable to care for self
7. Urgently seeking new relationship when one ends
8. Preoccupation with fears of having to take care of self
ii. Overprotective parents may reinforce children for dependency and
authoritarian discipline may limit the opportunities for children to
develop feelings of self-efficacy
c. Obsessive-compulsive: preoccupation with order, perfection, and control
i. Symptoms
1. Intense need for order, perfection, and control, as shown by the
presence of at least four of the following from early adulthood
across many contexts
a. Preoccupation with rules, details, and organization to the
extent that the point of an activity is lost
b. Extreme perfectionism interferes with task completion
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