PSYCH 130 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Methadone, Libido, Antihypertensive Drug

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18 Aug 2016

Document Summary

Midterm 3 is based on lecture content, section content (including casebook) and textbook content. 2 or more the following: delusions, hallucinations, disorganized speech, disorganized (or catatonic) behavior) negative symptoms (diminished motivation or emotional expression) Functioning in work, relationships, or self-care has declined since onset: duration b. i. Ethnic differences: lifetime prevalence: 1, affected men slightly more often than women, diagnosed more frequently among african americans c. i. could be a bias amongst clinicians. In schizophrenia, auditory is the most common hallucination and persecutory is the most common delusion: three major symptoms clusters, positive symptoms: excesses and distortions a. i. Delusions: beliefs contrary to reality and firmly held in spite of disconfirming evidence a. i. 1. a. i. 2. a. i. 3. Thought broadcasting (believe others know what they are thinking) a. i. 4. a. i. 5. Belief that external force controls feelings or behaviors. Grandiose: an exaggerated sense of own importance, power, knowledge, or identity a. ii. Hallucination: sensory experiences in the absence of any relevant stimulation from the environment a. ii. 1. a. ii. 2.