PSYCH C116 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Commodore 16, Preoptic Area, Cgmp-Specific Phosphodiesterase Type 5

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They change the probability that a particular behavior will be exhibited. Different measurements are quantifiable - e. g. - definitions: * sexual behavior: behavior to bring sperm and ova together. * appetitive phase (motivation, courtship): libido, sexual motivation, proceptive/receptive behavior, proper mate preference. * sex drive: motivation to seek mate: how much work/pain they will endure to get a mate (demonstration: columbia shuttle box - varying effort level to get access to female) Patterns of mating behavior: role of predation, female requirements/vaginal code, nocturnal vs. diurnal. * vaginal code: some species need a certain types of stimulation in order to produce fertile hormones. * prenatally: (organizational) t surge on days 18-19 of gestation. It t is blocked, adult male sexual behavior is altered: partially organized, partially activated! * castration reduces both motivation and performance - loss occurs in an orderly fashion: ejaculation, intromissions, mounting, motivation. Testosterone can convert to estradiol and dht to complete male sexual behavior.