ENVI 149 Study Guide - Final Guide: New Approach, Patch Dynamics, Thermodynamics

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Reject speciesism and use sentience as the criteria for moral standing. Christianity (thomas aquinas, francis of assisi) - great chain of being. God granted man dominion over the earth and the animals. Kant - deontology does not grant moral standing to animals. Giving moral preference to the interests of a member of one"s own species, over identical interests of members of a different species, solely because the former is a member of our own species. Species don"t have interests, so no direct obligation. Rarity of a species has no impact on their level of pain/pleasure compared to a similar, bountiful species. How (and why) to take into account the effects of our actions on nonhuman animals. Indirectly obligation regarding entity, but to outside entity (direct duties v. indirect duties) Identical interests must be given equal moral weight no matter the species. Not descriptive of an alleged actual equality: it is a prescription of how we should treat beings.