HWS 332 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Carbon Footprint, Food Security, B Vitamins

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Our requirements for essential nutrients: adults need 11-15 cups of water, 9 tablespoons of protein, of teaspoon of ca, Nutrition concept #3 health problems related to nutrition originate within cells: functions of cells are maintained by nutrients it receives, metabolism- chemical changes that place in the body, folate, b vitamin, is required for protein synthesis within cells. Too little= irreg. shape of cell produce of loss of appetite, weakness and irritability: too much iron, excess reacts and damages cell, impairing organs. Nutrition concept #7 groups of people are higher risk of becoming inadequately nourished than others: pregnant women, growing kids, frail, ill and recovering from sickness need more nutrients than others. Nutrition concept #8 poor nutrition can influence the development of certain chronic disease: chronic diseases such as hypertension, heart disease, cancer and osteoporosis, high in salt hypertension; low in veggies/fruit cancer.