[MKTG 311] - Final Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam (40 pages long!)

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Even a good brand needs to be marketed. Core value: ppl w/ pass can change the world. Company markets it"s brand by sticking to it"s core and core values. Think different campaign: appealing to customers by showing value and brand, appeal to the unconventional. Core values, not just core values but developing brand and branding, b/c you"re developing that brand consumers aren"t just understanding what you"re selling but. Why you"re selling it and that has a huge impact on consumers. Building a trust with consumers in the brand. Firms can use marketing to find the need and also how to fill that need/want. Makes you stand out in comparison to other brands. Marketing is connecting w/ ppl on an emotional level. Need you can"t live without, essential for function of daily life. Want- you want it so that it benefits your life in a way that makes you happy, a more expensive version of a need.