CAS AH 112 Study Guide - Final Guide: Mrs. Richard Brinsley Sheridan (Painting), Le Moulin De La Galette (Van Gogh Series), Villa Pisani, Stra

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Ah 112 introduction to art history ii, part 2. Rubens, the raising of the cross, 1609-10 / goya, the third of may, 1808, 1814-15. French royal academy founded 1648; charles lebrun in control of royal academy by 1660s. Antoine watteau, pilgrimage to cythera, c. 1718 / poussin, et in arcadia ego, c. 1655; rubens, Arrival of marie de" medici at marseilles, 1622-25. Charles lebrun, treatise on expression, 1718 / watteau, studies of woman"s head; le chat (20th cen. Germain boffrand, salon de la princesse, h tel de soubise, 1737-40 / hardouin-mansart and. Lebrun, hall of mirrors, versailles, c. 1680; soup tureen, vincennes, 1756; fran ois boucher, Cupid a captive, 1754; jean-honor fragonard, the swing, 1766. Giambattista tiepolo, apotheosis of the pisani family, villa pisani, stra, italy, 1761-2. Borromini, chapel of st. ivo (view into dome), rome, begun 1642. Richard boyle (lord burlington) and william kent, chiswick house, near london, begun 1725 /