CAS BI 410 Study Guide - Final Guide: Pax6, Stop Codon, Sexual Differentiation

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Ganglionic mother cell: gmc divides to become neuron or glial cell. Eye: cis to trans-retinal conversion upon light exposure, monophyletic theory of eye evolution: pax6 required for eye, simple gene differentiation battery conserved. Cavefish: cave species has shh overexpression and less pax6. So, no apoptosed eyes: because increased shh induces taste receptors for survival in the dark, surface species lens can rescue cave species eye and cave lens inhibits surface eye, therefore, lens sends survival signal. If neuron fails to find a path, it dies (synaptic pruning: commisural neurons (interneurons, approach midline, attracted by netrin in midline floor plate, slit is repellant in midline. Mesoderm: somites: sox9 is critical chondrocyte tf, epiphyseal plate = growth zone, delta is required for proper rib cage organization. Somite clock: fgf8 activates wnt3a (self regulated by axin, wnt3a activates notch via delta (self regulated by lunatic fringe, notch activates hairy > ephrin > segmentation! Sclerotome fate is assigned by shh from notochord.