CAS NE 202 Study Guide - Final Guide: Stim, Long-Term Memory, Aphasia

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Infant caregiver interactions a: long-term cooperative interaction, non-verbal speech, competitive interaction stare downs d. i. Rabbit: the components of emotions, 3 core aspects a. i. Using skin conductance and startle you can make informed decisions on. James lange theory someone"s feelings: do we run from the bear because we are afraid, or are we afraid because we run? c. Jl theory says that the physiological response happens first, automatically, and then that info gets passed into the cortex that processes that c. i. The feeling comes later: some emotions the biological response does happen first, so it kind of makes sense, but for the post part is backwards. Although the theory is oversimplified, its been hard to kill it. If you bring down someone"s physiological response you will also bring down their emotion: carl lange, argued that the autonomic response is equivalent to the emotion itself a. i. Feeling and responses both happening: thalamus and hypothalamus are important c. i.