CAS SO 100 Study Guide - Ritualism In The Church Of England, Oligarchy, Ethnocentrism

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Sociological questions: how do humans coordinate their activities in groups, networks, and organizations, examples, 9/11, columbine, what holds societies together, cultivating the imagination troubles and public issues . Development of sociological thinking: theories and theoretical approaches, how and why, a theoretical approach allows one to understand what to look for in beginning a study and in interpreting the results of research, theoretical thinking must respond to general problems posed by the study of human social life, including issues that are philosophical in nature. Modern theoretical approaches: symbolic interactionism, functionalism, marxism and class conflict, feminism and feminist theory, rational choice theory, postmodern theory. Early theorists: auguste comte (1798 1857, emile durkheim (1858 1917, karl marx (1818 1883, max weber (1864 1920, harriet martineau (1802 1876, w. e. b. Daily sociology: awareness of cultural differences, assessing the effects of policies, self enlightenment, the sociologist"s role, the question of the importance of action research, policy implications.