COM CO 101 Study Guide - Final Guide: Search Advertising, Corporate Social Responsibility, Outsourcing

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Rhetorical communication approach: focuses primarily on the study of influence; getting others to do what you want. (common in individualistic, The relational approach: examines communication from a transactional or cooperative perspective; two people coordinate their communication to reach a shared perspective satisfactory to all. (common in collectivistic, Ethos: the nature of the source (reliability) Pathos: the emotions of the audience (emotion) Logos: the nature of the message presented by the source (rationality) All arguments must be based on probabilities because absolute, verifiable truth is unobtainable in most instances. Rhetoric is a tool that can be utilized by a good person or a bad one. At the same time, he argued that unethical people are less likely to succeed in persuading people than ethical people. He claims that good and right by their very nature are more powerful than their opposites.