CGS SS 201 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Autocracy, Civil Society, Lavrentiy Beria

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Ivan the terrible was around in 1533 and was the first tsar and had a reign of terror. He conquered land to find security, finishing what his grandfather had started (ivan the. Great) when he pushed intruder out of russia. Peter the great, like ivan the terrible, wanted russia to also become a major european power. He did this by westernizing them, in a sense. He would borrow their technology and science, but filter out the ideas to keep the autocracy in check. He wanted a strong military and also had a reign of terror worse than terrible"s. His reign also promoted the growth of a stronger bureaucracy. It was barren land and bitterly cold. Had no barriers so had many invaders t/o the centuries. They became invaders themselves (poles, turks, etc) The russian people, even by the late 19th century, were peasants. They had an autocracy for a long time during tsarist rule.