[IGS 10A] - Midterm Exam Guide - Everything you need to know! (53 pages long)

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A technology-driven process of expanding market opportunities for economic exchange. Integration of: market, people (ways of thoughts, traditions), society. It has effect on the environment, culture, political systems, economic development and prosperity, human physical well-being. Many side effects of globalization show no regard for national borders. Nor do they travel linearly from point a to b instead they spread or multiply. They require concerted global action to manage and solve. Global problems require global governance to address and manage. A process of devising and implementing strategies to respond to global problems. Difficult because there is no global government: no authority to implement, no one central body. No global government states interact with one another. United nations, world bank, international monetary fund (imf), world health. Neither created nor controlled by nation-states, independent of governments. Private company branches outside its home country. Expand nationally by foreign direct investment (fdi) Nation-states have authority to govern only within their own borders.