HS 415 Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Lymphocytosis, Infectious Mononucleosis, Eisenbahnen Und Verkehrsbetriebe Elbe-Weser

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Mainly caused by the epstein-barr virus (ebv) Transmitted via saliva of the oropharynx: kissing, sharing drinks/food/utensils, sneezing and coughing. Most people will be exposed to ebv in their lifetime, and about half remain asymptomatic. Only with the presence of symptoms is the ebv virus then considered mononucleosis (mono) Evb has an incubation period of 4-6 weeks: sore throat and fever may go away in a few weeks, fatigue/large lymph nodes/enlarged spleen may last for a few extra weeks. Physical exam: evaluate signs and symptoms, look for swollen lymphoid tissue. Blood test: mono-spot test takes a day to get results but will not detect 1st week of infection, wbc count can detect abnormal lymphocytes and increase number of lymphocytes (does not confirm mono, but suggests. Those who know they are infected: no kissing, no sharing food, drinks, utensils, dishes, suggested to be precautious for serval weeks once symptoms subside. Ebv can live in saliva for months.