HS 415 Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Diabetic Retinopathy, Retinal Detachment, Blurred Vision

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Too much blood sugar can block these vessels cutting off blood supply. The eye will try to create new vessels, yet they usually are not developed properly and can leak overtime. New vessels do not off, forcing new vessels grow, and walls are to form and clear jelly weakened like fluid leaks. Nerve damage to optic macula will swell nerve (macular edema) & Early: may not need treatment, manage underlying leakage of the jelly like substance, more severe conditions cases blood can leak and block vision. Advanced: will need surgical treatment create scar tissue and cause retina to pull away. Photocoagulation: laser treatment that can stop from the eye, may see flashes of floaters in vision leakage into eye (photo below) Glaucoma: new vessels can cause pressure to build. Panretinal photocoagulation: also a laser up, never damaged to optic nerve from pressure treatment, but used to shrink abnormal blood. Blindness: all the above can eventually lead to vessels blindness.