PSYC 360 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Superiority Complex, Inferiority Complex, Slut

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Document Summary

Adlers childhood little brother died, jealous of older brother, felt inferior. Normal parents. emphasis of theory uniqueness of each person personality determined by - unique social environments, not only biology. Inferiority complex the normal human driving to become better by feeling less. Fictional finalism goal imagined fictional idea that influences striving. Superiority complex overcompensation for normal inferiority boast of self. 4 adler life styles dominant attacking, disregards others. Socially useful cooperates with well-developed social frame. Horney"s childhood - father was sea captain, never saw, felt didn"t lover her, mom was slut. Why and when do children develop feelings of security from parent-child relationship. Lack of this relationship results in helplessness and anxiety. Basic anxiety - result of comes from feeling lonely and helpless in a hostile world. Types of personalities compliant affection & approval, dominant partner, manipulate others. Superior in work and dominance to compensate for feelings of insecurity and anxiety. Detached self-sufficiency, perfection, narrow limits to life.