ECE-350 Midterm: ECE 350 Boise State Exam3 sample f15

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As voted on in class 17 nov 2015, test #3 will be on tuesday 1 december 2015. In addition to the problems from the first two tests, the following problems are candidates for exam questions: given the signal x(t) 1: determine the fourier transform of x(t) both by equation 4. 9 and by using the tables, use the property of duality to find the inverse transform of y(j ) : jy. 1 else: a signal is tx cos( 260 (a) draw and fully label y1(jw). (b) draw and fully label y2(jw). (c) draw and fully label y3(jw). (d) draw and fully label z(jw). (e) draw and fully label a(jw). w. 1 w w (f) draw and fully label b(jw). (g) what is the equation for b(t)? (h) what type of multiplexing is shown in this example: given the following system diagram c1(t) x1(t)