POLS 111 Study Guide - Final Guide: Charter City, Paracel Islands, Unincorporated Area

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Pols module 9 forms of local government in california; counties, cities, school districts, special districts. 4801 special district in california special district: a form of local government created (cid:271)(cid:455) a lo(cid:272)al (cid:272)o(cid:373)(cid:373)u(cid:374)it(cid:455) to (cid:373)eet a spe(cid:272)ifi(cid:272) (cid:374)eed. Nearl(cid:455) 85% of cali"s spe(cid:272)ial distri(cid:272)ts perform a single function. 2 general types of counties: general law counties organized by the laws of the state of california, charter counties governed by local rules adopted by the residents in the form of a charter. Board of supervisors is the highest decision-making body in most california counties. Powers of county governments: executive functions county board of supervisors supervises the other county employees and officials. It acts for the county in lawsuits, and when the county is buying or selling land. Sheriff elected official who is the chief law enforcement officer for each county in. District attorney: elected county official who prosecutes criminal cases brought within the county.