HIST 162 Study Guide - Quiz Guide: David Davis (Supreme Court Justice), Samuel J. Tilden, Benjamin Wade

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Leader/president of confederate states during the civil war. General of confederate army of northern virginia. Tailor president , born in humble beginnings, caused him to be bitter towards wealthier men. Elected to congress from tennessee, refused to leave union because he did not like rich plantation owners. Honest but stubborn, wrong man at the wrong time . Vp of confederate states during civil war. Cornerstone speech-said new government was founded on the idea blacks were inferior to whites. Secretary of war under the lincoln administration during civil war. Set to become president if johnson was impeached, picked out cabinet. Prominent military war hero, led union army to victory. Tried to please democrats by removing military from the south. Neither democrat nor republican supreme court judge who was discounted when he became a senator. Supported tilden in the election, but was give the postmaster general position by. Named this time period the gilded age satirically and wrote a novel called the.