HIST 130 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Missouri Compromise, Corrupt Bargain, Infant Mortality

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10 Oct 2015

Document Summary

1. these writers such as trenchard and gordon warned of the abuses of government in the early 18th century. 2. papers written by madison, hamilton and jay in support of the constitution 1787. 3. the two terminals of the erie canal were buffalo, n. y. and this city. 4. because of its extremely unhealthy climate, this original n. a. English colony suffered a very high infant mortality rate. 5. this british colony was founded as a refuge for catholics. 6. this man is considered one of the originators of the modern democratic party, and he succeeded jackson as president. 7. after washington, jefferson, and madison, this man is considered to be the last virginia dynasty president. 8. the missouri compromise admitted missouri as a slave state into the union and this state as a free one. 9. president washington actually led 15,000 troops into western pennsylvania to suppress this uprising in 1794. 10. during the colonial crisis, britain maintained that the colonists had this kind of representation in parliament.