55 views13 pages
23 Jan 2018

Document Summary

Permian: major vertebrate extinctions at end permian (251 myrbp), ~1/2 all tetrapods, decline of most synapsids may have paved way for dinosaur dominance of mesozoic, synapsids (carboniferous recent, mammal-like reptiles : diversity and evolution relationships of. Pelycosaurs (a grade: therapsids (a clade, includes mammals, absolutely must know, 1) pelycosaur vs therapsid, 2) diversity & major evolutionary trends. Pelycosaurs (carboniferous l. permian: grade of basal mammal-like reptiles, earliest & most diverse in n. Trends: synapsid evolution shows trends to eat & process food more efficiently, more around more, and breath more efficiently, synpsids characterizied by increasing activity & Mammals: part 1: take home message from feeding, locomotor, respiratory. Trends: synapsids in lineages leading to mammals characterized by. Pulmonary veins left atrium left ventricle aorta body: anucleate erythrocytes (red blood cells have no nucleus, mammals yipee! Instead of claws on digits: generalized teeth omnivorous, eyes: good color vision, frontally directed for good depth perception, ex.