PHIL-1010 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Adventitiousness, Hackett Publishing Company

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Conscious thought is the defining factor that separates man from the other species. Humans are thinking things as descartes explains in his work meditations of the first. Philosopher. by this he means that humans are self-thinking; that they have innate thought and can understand the world around them. However, the problem that arises when trying to understand the world is the possibility that what we perceive is false. Ignoring the untrustworthy readings of the body, the separate mind must make the judgement. The concept of innate ideas originated with the understanding of a possibility that all we observe is false. There is some deceiver or other, very powerful and very cunning, who ever employs his ingenuity in deceiving [me] (meditation ii pg. 9). Taking this for truth it would mean that there is no correlation between events, and change is only brought about by an almighty creator that wills it to be so.